Transforming Lives through Climate-Smart Agriculture and Peacebuilding: The Impact of ACROSS in Kauto Payam, Kapoeta East County.
For the past six years, ACROSS, with support from PMU, has empowered former warriors—once cattle raiders—to embrace alternative livelihoods, addressing the twin challenges of food...
Empowering South Sudanese Youth Through TVET: ACROSS Graduates 513 in Five Counties.
From December 2nd to 6th, 2024, ACROSS South Sudan proudly celebrated the second batch graduation of 513 (246 male, 267 female) vulnerable youth, including a...
Why TVET Education is important in Today’s Economy
ACROSS has been providing technical vocational education and trainings to Lake State’s vulnerable youth, taking into account young women, for the past 2 years. The...
Empowering Communities: How Tailoring Skills Transform Lives in Kapoeta East
Through its Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs in Narus, Kapoeta East, ACROSS has provided avenues to higher education, empowering individuals and communities to...
Uplifting communities: Transforming lives by promoting health, economic resilience, and sustainable practices.
Morobo is one of the six counties in Central Equatoria state, South Sudan bordering Yei County to the north-west, Lainya County to the north-east, Uganda to the south-east and...
Resilient Futures: Celebrating Our Achievements in Revitalizing Drought-Affected Livelihoods in Kapoeta East County
In his remarks during the celebration of the 50 graduates of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs offered by ACROSS in tailoring in Narus,...
Transforming Livelihoods through Youth Empowerment and Employment in Lakes State, South Sudan.
Lake State has a turbulent and frequently violent past. Armed conflicts over resources such as water and grazing area persisted after South Sudan gained independence...
Integrated and Inclusive Support for Displaced and Host Communities in Crisis Situations.
The South Sudanese people have suffered greatly as a result of the conflict. The leaders of the two main opposing political coalitions, Salva Kiir and...
Access to Education: Empowering girls and fostering social change.
Since attaining independence, millions of people have been displaced by both violent conflicts and natural calamities in South Sudan. Unfortunately, there has been a decline...
Empowering young people for a better future
ACROSS, in partnership with UNESCO and Sida, has improved livelihood and decreased unemployment among marginalized adolescents from lower-income households by enhancing gender-responsive governance and offering...