Peace and Education

The overall objective of Consolidating Peace and Basic Education in Jebel Boma County (CoPABE) is to consolidate peaceful co-existence among the three Boma communities (Jie, Murle & Kachipo) and increase access to basic quality education to all children and youth in Boma.

In the beginning of this year, ACROSS conducted a baseline assessment, as well as a number of trainings and meetings with the communities. ACROSS currently supports two established Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP)/Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres, one in Boma and the other in Naoyapuru.

Many activities in this project were put on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic and the closure of schools. This pause, however, occurred at the same time as a change in project management. This enabled the new manager, Andrew Olal (formerly based in Juba), to get on the ground and assess the situation.

Now that schools and meetings are once again in session, the project is gearing up to finish the year strong. During the last quarter of 2020, the team will conduct workshops to strengthen peace committee members, train teachers in psychosocial support methods, train Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members, hold a peace conference, and sensitize youth to the importance of peace.

Training Volunteer Teachers in Psycho-Social Support Skills
Inter-Payam Peace Dialogue
Peace Committee Workshop

Consolidating Peace and Basic Education in Jebel Boma County (CoPABE) is an ongoing project implemented by ACROSS with support from TearFund Switzerland.
