Summary of ACROSS Projects in South Sudan
Here is a summary of ACROSS projects active in 2024 in South Sudan: S# Project Name Donor Partner Duration Locations 01 Multisectoral, disability-inclusive resilience building...
Empowering South Sudanese Youth Through TVET: ACROSS Graduates 513 in Five Counties.
From December 2nd to 6th, 2024, ACROSS South Sudan proudly celebrated the second batch graduation of 513 (246 male, 267 female) vulnerable youth, including a...
Why TVET Education is important in Today’s Economy
ACROSS has been providing technical vocational education and trainings to Lake State’s vulnerable youth, taking into account young women, for the past 2 years. The...
Transforming Livelihoods through Youth Empowerment and Employment in Lakes State, South Sudan.
Lake State has a turbulent and frequently violent past. Armed conflicts over resources such as water and grazing area persisted after South Sudan gained independence...
Floods in Lakes State, Rumbek East County, Displace Thousands, Threaten Education, Health and WASH Services
Despite being the lowest contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, Africa stands as one of the region’s most susceptible to the effects of climate change....
Access to Education: Empowering girls and fostering social change.
Since attaining independence, millions of people have been displaced by both violent conflicts and natural calamities in South Sudan. Unfortunately, there has been a decline...
Empowering young people for a better future
ACROSS, in partnership with UNESCO and Sida, has improved livelihood and decreased unemployment among marginalized adolescents from lower-income households by enhancing gender-responsive governance and offering...
Restoration and improvement of livelihood for peaceful co-existence in Lakes State.
The Peace Economy Project-Phase-III ACROSS and Bread for the World (BfTW) have collaborated on livelihood programs in Rumbek Center and Wulu Counties since 2006. These...
Innovation through Integration
The Integrated Community Based Development Project (ICBDP) in Rumbek East County impacts communities in many ways. As the name suggests, the project utilizes an integrated response...
What’s Up Girls?
What’s Up Girls is a project implemented in Lakes State with the goal to develop healthy environments for girl child education. The programme strives to...