Category: Sector: Food Security and Livelihoods

Empowering young people for a better future

ACROSS, in partnership with UNESCO and Sida, has improved livelihood and decreased unemployment among marginalized adolescents from lower-income households by enhancing gender-responsive governance and offering...

Integrated Life-Saving Response

ACROSS and PMU are long-standing partners in the implementation of life-saving and developmental projects amongst vulnerable people in South Sudan. The vulnerable communities served by...

Rapid Intervention for Displaced Persons

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­A recent rapid response project in partnership with PMU, the development wing of the Swedish Pentecostal Movement, funded through SMC addressed the dire humanitarian needs...

Innovation through Integration

The Integrated Community Based Development Project (ICBDP) in Rumbek East County impacts communities in many ways. As the name suggests, the project utilizes an integrated response...

Zai Pits for Peace and Productivity

Zai Pits for Peace and Productivity, is a next step effort to transition from relief to development in Kapoeta East where ACROSS and PMU have...

Atiriu Ag Centre

ACROSS prepares to reopen the agricultural training center just outside of Rumbek in Atiriu in the Lakes State. The centre was closed during previous years...

Media Team Pilots Bio-gas

ACROSS Media trained community members in Terekeka in bio-gas and briquette making. The training’s goal was to provide a practical application for the ongoing peace...